Kuvia Mikkelistä, Naantalista, lähiympäristöstä, luonnosta, Suomesta ja maailmalta.
Photos from Mikkeli and Naantali, the environment, nature, Finland and abroad.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Peace was declared from Turku’s Vanha Suurtori. - Joulurauha julistetiin perinteisesti Turun vanhalla suurtorilla.

The first time the Christmas Peace was declared from Turku's Old Great Square is thought to have taken place as early as the 1320s. Since then, the tradition has continued uninterrupted, with only a few exceptions. The church had a major role in maintaining societal order, and in the early days of the declaration, it was used for this purpose.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Independence Day. - Itsenäisyyspäivä

Finland's Independence Day  is a national public holiday  on 6th  December to celebrate Finland's declaration of independence from the Russian Empire.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ruissalo, Turku

Kävin Ruissalon lintutornissa. Vares kävi myös. Kävitkö sinä ?  -  I went to Ruissalo bird tower. Vares also visited. Did You ?


Monday, October 8, 2012

I picked Yellowfoot mushrooms or Funnel Chantarelles today. There were also fall colours in the forest. And flies and old  blueberries. - Kävin tänään keräämässä suppilovahveroita. Oli ruskaa, kärpäsiä ja vanhoja mustikoita.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Naantalil 30.9. at 18:15 - Klo 18.15

I was jogging and I had camera with me (Ixus 230HS). Suddenly there were marvellous lights, only five minutes, then came clouds and  everything was over. Then I ran and ran, lightly and gladly. -Kävin lenkillä Ixus-pokkarin kanssa. Äkkiä ilmestyivät hienot valot, jotka kestivät viitisen minuuttia. Sittenpä juoksu sujui hymyissä suin.